Dendron: Insert Note Link


Lookup a note and insert a link to that note into the current cursor position.




Dendron: Insert Note Link is a command that lets you look up a note and insert a link to that note into the current cursor position. You can choose how this command behaves by setting modifiers described below.


There are two modifiers that can be passed into this command:

  1. multiSelect
  2. aliasMode


This modifier enables the multi-select mode. With multi-select enabled, you can select all the notes you want the links to be inserted.

This can be toggled on by clicking on the button, or setting multiSelect: true in dendron.yml as below:

    enableMultiSelect: true

You can also pass it as a command argument through a custom keybinding as below:

/* in keybindings.json.
* Use `Preference: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)` to open.
    "key": "{desired keybinding}",
    "command": "dendron.insertNoteLink",
    "args": {
      "multiSelect": true


This modifier enables different alias modes.

Here is the list of available alias modes:

  1. snippet: Inserted note link resolves into a VS Code snippet string
  2. selection: Extracts the selection of the active note and use it as the alias.
  3. title: Use the note title of the linked note as alias.
  4. prompt: Open an input box that will prompt for an input for the alias.
  5. none: Does not add alias. (default)

You can override the default alias mode in dendron.yml as below:

// dendron.yml
    aliasMode: "snippet" // choose one from the list

You can also pass it as a command argument through a custom keybinding as below:

/* in keybindings.json.
* Use `Preference: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)` to open.
    "key": "{desired keybinding}",
    "command": "dendron.insertNoteLink",
    "args": {
      "aliasMode": "snippet" // choose one from the list
Snippet mode

In snippet mode, inserted note links will resolve into a VS Code snippet in the form of

[[{$1: alias}|note-name]]$0

If multi-select is enabled, each subsequent alias field will be available as separate tabstops like so:

[[{$1: alias}|note1]]
[[{$2: alias}|note1]]
[[{$3: alias}|note1]]
[[{$4: alias}|note1]]
[[{$5: alias}|note1]]
[[{$n: alias}|note1]]$0
Selection mode

In selection mode, selection present in the active editor will be extracted and used as the alias.

The original selection will be replaced by the link inserted.

If multi-select is enabled, all inserted note links will have identical aliases.

Title mode

In title mode, the title of the note that is being linked is used as the link's alias.

Prompt mode

In prompt mode, an input box will be prompted that will let you type in the desired alias.

If multi-select is enabled, you will be prompted for each of the note links you want to insert.


No alias will be used for the inserted note link(s). This is the default behavior if you do not specify an alias mode.
