
DEPRECATION NOTICE: This is documentation related to legacy publishing. For the latest guidance, reference the current publishing documentation.

Exclude from publication

To exclude a page from publication, you can add the following to the frontmatter. If you set publishByDefault: false for a hierarchy, this needs to be set to true to publish

published: false

Exclude from indexing

To tell Google to not index a page, you can add the following tag to the frontmatter. You can also have this as a default for a given hierarchy by setting noIndexByDefault: true in the site config.

noindex: true


<!-- ### Link Checking

It's useful to check if all your links work before publishing your notes. You can use the [awesome-bot]( gem to validate your links.

- setup
  - create a folder named `reports` to hold the results
    cd {wsRoot}
    mkdir reports
  - add `reports` to your VS Code workspace in order to browse it via VS Code

- check links
  - build your site using the `Build Pod` command
  - start a local server
  - run the following command
    cd {wsRoot}/reports && awesome_bot ../docs/_site/notes/*.html --allow-redirect --allow-dupe --allow 429 
