Meeting Notes
This is a video of keeping meeting notes in Dendron. Meeting notes are kept as journal notes on a per-project basis.
Example of a meeting note
- hierarchy:
id: 348957d8-d9af-44d1-a734-82b719bbf5a6
title: '2021-03-25'
desc: ''
updated: 1616682394092
created: 1616645801530
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.albert-wang]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.rob]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.onboarding]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.james-bond]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.alby]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.investor]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.ashton]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25.eric]]
<!-- I keep these links here to create new meetings that come up -->
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25]]
* [[meet.journal.2021.03.25]]
Settings and files used for the above video.
- Configuring project schemas
- id: pro
title: pro
desc: ""
parent: root
namespace: true
- people
- meet
- todo
- retrospective
- id: people
- id: meet
- id: todo
- id: retrospective
- Settings in Dendron Workspace configuration: journal
# Within your workspace dendron.yml
dailyDomain: daily
name: journal
dateFormat: y.MM.dd
addBehavior: childOfDomainNamespace