
Dendron 0.85 has sprouted šŸŒ±

Speed improvements across how we parse markdown links and publishing - you should notice a snappier workspace and faster first page loads across you published sites.

This week also features a slew of bug fixes across multiple areas.


  • enhance(workspace): doctor command, fixRemoteVaults, to fix remote vaults that don't have a remote set (docs)
  • enhance(publish): published pages have faster first load due to optimizations to the tree menu
  • enhance(views): faster loading of markdown due to parsing improvements

Everything Else

  • fix(publish): properly render mermaid and katex when published
  • fix(lookup): add selection2link button for CreateScratchNoteCommand
  • fix(pods): fix issue with url links not showing up when using markdown export inside a note reference
  • fix(vaults): sometimes see same vault multiple times in vault dropdown
  • fix(internal): some edge cases when deleting a note that interferred with tree view and refactoring
  • fix(cli): add omitted migration entries
  • fix(workspace): add validation for enableFrontmatterTags and enableHashesForFMTags
  • fix(views): fix race condition in tree view v2 initialization logic


Starboard and TIL Highlights

These are highlights from the Dendron Discord #starboard and #today-i-learned channels.

  • ā­ tallguyjenks#3567 shared a link to his YouTube video on Dendron: A Unique Approach To Knowledge Management. From his Twitter where he also shared the link: "2 hours of solid content (that took forever to edit) about one of my favorite approaches to technical note taking."
  • ā­ aleksey#5276 shared a link to Donate - Defend Ukraine: "...if you were thinking about donating to Ukrainian people, here are some links that could be helpful"

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

Credit to johnknowles#1154 for contributing the link for this week's Dendron Reading Series!

This article focuses on the idea of social artifacts, dubbed "Participatory media". These include forms like "blogs, wikis, RSS, tagging and social bookmarking, music-photo-video sharing, mashups, podcasts, digital storytelling, virtual communities, social network services, virtual environments, and videoblogs." Rheingold describes how these social artifacts reflect our natural essence, in the sense that we are motivated to "do complicated things together".

Rheingold seeks to connect this new media to its predecessorā€”print mediaā€”and account for the comparable effects. If print culture fostered the conditions for the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution, what new movements might this new media bring about? Rheingold holds off speculating too intently, but is optimistic about this new culture of "creators as well as consumers". This optimism is not without conditionsā€”rather, Rheingold points to the necessity of having a literate populace. This new media literacy "is what is requiredā€¦to create a participatory culture." This new literacy "links technology and sociality", as well as enabling and encouraging "liberty and participation".

Thus, we cannot be satisfied with the invention of new technologies like participatory media, we also must seek to understand the new interactions these technologies afford in addition to understanding the "old" interactions of "cooperation and collective action". In "building systems that support human sociality", we center our designs around how humans work together. This brings into alignment our designs with our essences: to do complicated things together.

Event Reminders

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: Visit Discord Roles for more information.



A huge thanks to the following Dendronites that provided feedback in the 2022 Dendron User Survey. If you would like to help us improve Dendron, please checkout the survey (and earn a shiny Surveyor Discord badge in the process)!

  • @JBonilla1#9017
  • @Juan_SA#2594
  • @mavemob#6890
  • @bomboloni#7545
  • @RzLnx88#1569
  • @vicrerdgz#9278
  • @mikhail#3816



  • enhance(workspace): doctor command, fixRemoteVaults, to fix remote vaults that don't have a remote set (docs) (#2484) @kaan (Private)
  • enhance(publish): published pages have faster first load due to optimizations to the tree menu (#2379) @eleweek (Private)
  • enhance(views): faster loading of markdown due to parsing improvements (#2505) @jonathan (Private)


  • fix(publish): properly render mermaid and katex when published (#2480) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(lookup): add selection2link button for CreateScratchNoteCommand (#2496) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(pods): fix issue with url links not showing up when using markdown export inside a note reference (#2486) @joshi (Private)
  • fix(vaults): sometimes see same vault multiple times in vault dropdown (#2501) @tuling (Private)
  • fix(internal): some edge cases when deleting a note that interferred with tree view and refactoring @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(cli): add omitted migration entries (#2519) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(workspace): add validation for enableFrontmatterTags and enableHashesForFMTags (#2524) @hikchoi (Private)
  • fix(views): fix race condition in tree view v2 initialization logic (#2528) @jonathan (Private)