
Dendron 0.71 has sprouted 🌱

Who wouldn't love some autocomplete when using VS Code? Now you can! Tab autocompletion for lookup can help you get to where you need to be, faster.

Upgrading Next.js: Dendron publishing has upgraded to the latest major version of Next.js, so make sure you aren't using a cached version. To go with the latest and greatest:

# Delete old Next.js dir
rm -rf .next
# Reinitialize with latest version
dendron publish init

Dendron Preview: A common pain point for all new users is opening the Markdown preview. The default VS Code Markdown Preview displays a menu item that cannot be disabled, even if an extension had its own Markdown preview.

We submitted an upstream contribution to VS Code, which is currently active in the Insiders Build. It will be included in the 1.63 release next month. This will mean that Dendron Workspaces can, by default, display a menu item for Dendron: Show Preview as the Markdown preview! Note that Markdown: Open Preview... options will continue to exist within the command palette as an optional preview method.

The nice thing is that ALL VS Code extension authors can now use this feature to provide a better experience for their users!


  • feat(workspace): hide default Markdown preview button
  • enhance(workspace): add Dendron preview button
  • enahnce(publish): upgrade to Next.js 12
  • enhance(lookup): add auto complete to note lookup

Everything Else

  • enhance(publish): support adding sitemaps (docs)
  • enhance(workspace): show stubs at the end of a dot-ended lookup
  • enhance(cli): cli uses separate port file
  • fix(note): correctly handle note titles containing international characters
  • fix(views): allow assets to open from preview view
  • fix(publish): issue with cypress dependency


General Updates

As part of the Dendron Site Reorganization, our developer documentation has been migrated over to docs.dendron.so. With this, Dendronites should notice some slimming of the docs on wiki.dendron.so.

New GitHub discussions to get involved in:

Dendron Reading Series

This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.

What happens when a system becomes so large, that the fundamental cost of admission (being alive), can be falsely-flipped like a binary? Damning a life into a purgatorial state of invisibility? It's bizarre that judges can, within court sessions, stare at a living person without having much power at all. This happened in the case of an Ohio man, his life becoming like a Kafka novel:

"We've got the obvious here. A man sitting in the courtroom, he appears to be in good health," he said, finding that he was prevented by state law from declaring Mr Miller legally alive. "I don't know where that leaves you, but you're still deceased as far as the law is concerned."

It feels like having no undo button for something that could really use it.

Reading this reminded me of attending DefCon 23, back in 2015, and attending a conference talk titled: "I Will Kill You." A bit dramatic, eh? But the presentation was really about digital murder, and the real life Walking Dead. It even included "baby harvesting," which meant creating real identities (social security cards, life insurance, etc.) on non-existent babies because of problems in the birth and death system.


Office hours

Notes for the previous Office Hours can be found here, with the recording on YouTube.

The next Office Hours will be:

Thank You's

A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release. You can see an overview of all roles here.




  • fix(note): correctly handle note titles containing international characters (#1801) @kaan (Private)



  • feat(workspace): hide default Markdown preview button (#1636) @kaan (Private)
    • We merged an upstream change with VS Code to enable toggling of the default preview. This was one of the most confusing UX parts of Dendron.
    • If wanted, the VS Code Markdown preview can still be opened via the command palette (Ctrl+Shift P) with: Markdown: Open Preview or Markdown: Open Preview to The Side
    • NOTE: requires VS Code 1.63

