
Adding a Custom Domain via CNAME


  • have a domain that you own and control the CNAME records for
  • have your Gitub repo hooked up to Dendron (see Creating a site)


  1. Decide on a CNAME that you want to use. Lets call this YOUR_CNAME
  2. Email with the subject: CNAME Request: YOUR_CNAME
    • optionally, also send us the name with your registrar and we can respond with precise instructions on how to update your DNS settings
  3. You'll get a response with a custom CNAME entry. Add that to your DNS (instructions to do this will depend on your registrar) to
  4. Update YOUR_CNAME to point to
  5. Email with the subject: CNAME Request: YOUR_CNAME - UPDATED
  6. You'll get a response from that your account is now ready for custom domains
  7. Push to the repository that you have configured with managed publishing. Dendron will now connect your repository with your CNAME
    - NOTE: the link to view the site will still be pointed to `$`. You'll need to manually add your CNAME to see the changes


  • custom domains with CNAMES doesn't work with apex domains (these are domains without a prefix - eg. is an apex domain, is not)
    • if you are interested in using an apex domain, see the guide below

Add a Custom Domain via Delegating Name Servers


  • have a domain that you own and control the name server records for
  • have your GitHub repo hooked up to Dendron (see Creating a site)


  1. Email with the subject: NS Request: YOUR_DOMAIN
    • example: NS Request:
    • optionally, also send us the name with your registrar and we can respond with precise instructions on how to update your DNS settings
  2. You'll get a response with a custom NS entry. Add that to your DNS (instructions to do this will depend on your registrar)
    • example response
  3. Update your domain nameserver with the results
    • WARNING: if you are currently serving traffic via the domain, this will cause your website to be temporarily un-availble
    • NOTE: save your current name servers as backup for when you want to revert this process
  4. Email with the subject: NS Request: YOUR_DOMAIN - UPDATED
  5. You'll get a response from that your account is now ready for custom domains
  6. Push to the repository that you have configured with managed publishing. Dendron will now connect your repository with your CNAME
    • NOTE: the link to view the site will still be pointed to $ You'll need to manually add your CNAME to see the changes

Add password protection to your site


  • have a sprout or higher level plan (note: we manage membership on a separate platform. be sure to register with the same email as you do for Dendron)


  1. Create a site to Dendron
  2. Before publishing, set the password you would like to use

You site will be available at your given domain with the following credentials:

  • password: the password you set during creation