To create a hook, run Hook Create. You can set the hookName
to hello
and change the hookFilter
to hello.*
When you run this command, Dendron will do two things:
- Create an entry in
about the hook - Create
This should lead to a page like the following:
@params wsRoot: string, root of your current workspace
@params note: Object with following properties https://github.com/dendronhq/dendron/blob/master/packages/common-all/src/types/typesv2.ts
@params NoteUtils: utilities for working with notes. [code](https://github.com/dendronhq/dendron/blob/master/packages/common-all/src/dnode.ts#L307:L307)
@params execa: instance of [execa](https://github.com/sindresorhus/execa#execacommandcommand-options)
@params _: instance of [lodash](https://lodash.com/docs)
@params axios: instance of [axios](https://axios-http.com/docs/example)
module.exports = async function({wsRoot, note, NoteUtils, execa, axios, _}) {
// do some changes
return {note};
- add the following line to the change
module.exports = async function({wsRoot, note, NoteUtils, execa, _}) {
note.body = note.body + "hello"
return {note};
After you are done, run Reload Index. Now use lookup to create hello.one
You should get something like the following:
Cleaning Up
To delete your hook, run Hook Delete. This will remove the hook entry in dendron.yml
and also delete the hook script (script deletion is optional).